Sex And The City - No Spoilers so it’s safe to keep reading.
Sex And The City - No Spoilers so it’s safe to keep reading.
I love SATC and have seen every episode. Who is your favourite character?
But as I sat and engrossed on these two new recently released episodes something, no, two things were so very apparent.
🦚First: The power of TV as a medium to influence the hearts and minds of people.
🦚Second: My god, just how much has the world changed.
SATC first aired in 1998, concluding in 2004.
It’s almost timeless TV but this new season, ‘And just like that’, almost 20 years later, done a powerful job to capture just how much the world has changed over the last 25 years, from technology to the power of societies collective drive for equality, diversity and inclusion.
I felt these two new episodes depicted todays world well, where representation on TV is no longer an afterthought but a strict requirement.
The LGBT community was always represented but aside from Blair Underwood's guest appearance (ok, calm down), the black community did not feature much, if at all. Well, that’s changed.
They embraced age and the power of growing older as something to be proud of. Something to own and not to shy away from.
We often talk about and ask ourselves “how long will ‘change’ in our society take”, with some cynics claiming they’ll never see ‘change’ in their lifetime.
As I look back and recall season 1, episode 1 to this months latest release, I think society for the most part has changed some what - and for the better.
In summary, the show gave me hope that if we as a human race continue to demand and expect inclusion, representation and equality, maybe, just maybe, in a time capsule opened in 2050 we’ll be able to see that D&I is no longer a ‘thing’ because society would have achieved a position where my normal and your normal and their normal is simply ‘normal’.
What do you think?
About the author
Jason Roberts is CEO & Founder of Kaleida International, the UK's and Europe's first, fully-inclusive, online B2B marketplace for tenders, connecting Buyers to Suppliers and Diverse Suppliers.
With a strategic focus on innovation discovery for Buyers, revenue generation for Suppliers and providing firms with a global repository of Supplier Diversity data, Kaleida is the premier platform for global B2B engagement and relationships.
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